We have spaces in Year R, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 4

Winnall Primary School


Welcome to Winnall Primary School


We are delighted to showcase our school and celebrate with you the fantastic achievements of our children and how they enjoy their learning experiences. 


At our school we pride ourselves on ensuring we provide a broad and balanced curriculum that is rich in experiences and opportunities for our children to learn new skills and develop their existing abilities. Our curriculum has been designed to embrace the community in which we are situated, recognising local history, heritage, geographical significance and, most importantly, the aspirations of all our children.


We firmly believe that the key to promoting successful learning for every child lies in the strong partnership we form with our families and this is greatly important to us.  


Our pupils understand what it is to be respectful and take pride in their work, the school providing a calm and purposeful place to learn. Personal development, behaviour and welfare across the school are key strengths and our children are a real credit to the school, at the heart of what the school is striving to achieve.


We hope that you find our website both useful and informative.  Whether you are an existing parent or a new parent to the community looking to enrol your child in our school, please contact the school office to arrange a time to come and have a look around so that you can see first-hand what we are all about at Winnall and why we are so proud of our school community. 


Sally Peckett

