This page tells you about who we are and what we do.
What is our role in the school?
Working together with the Headteacher, we are responsible for the high-level and long-term decisions about the school to ensure that:
the school’s ethos and ambitions reflect the community’s needs;
high educational standards are set and are achieved;
the finances of the school are in good order and are focused to benefit the children; and
everyone is safe.
We also appoint the Headteacher and consider any complaints that haven’t been resolved by the Headteacher.
All the day-to-day decisions for the running of the school are undertaken by the Headteacher and staff and all routine enquiries should therefore be referred to them. However, we are always pleased to hear your views about the school. You can contact us via the Headteacher or the school office.
How do we conduct our business?
We oversee the school’s business, mainly through a number of formal meetings.
The Full Governing Body meets each half-term to consider the main business of governors.
Two committees -- Curriculum and Finance & Resources -- meet each half-term to look at particular matters in detail.
The Headteacher’s performance and staff pay matters are considered by special committee meetings twice a year.
We also regularly come into school to meet with staff and pupils and have a timetable of monitoring visits. Our link governors meet on a termly basis with the staff member responsible for their area and then report back to the full governing body. These contacts help us consider the school's progress and its future needs. We meet regularly with the Junior Governors (an elected group of pupils) where we discuss the curriculum and well-being of the pupils in the school.
We issue a brief report on our recent activities and give our assessment of the school's performance in December and July each year (see below or the Newsletters page).
Each governor tries to attend as many meetings as their other commitments allow, and we always seek to ensure our governing body and committee meetings have well over the 50% attendance necessary under our constitution.
We frequently attend training sessions on routine and developing issues including those related to our individual interests and responsibilities, e.g., safeguarding, behaviour management, SEN and finance. These are provided by Hampshire Governor Services. The Full Governing Body also commission an annual joint training session of wider interest.
Our current strategic priorities
Although we secured a 'Good' rating in our latest Ofsted inspection we are keen that the school develops further and so we have identified a number of actions for ongoing improvement.
These relate to improving;
Our Constitution:
We have up to 12 official governor positions. These are:
The Headteacher
A staff governor who is nominated / elected by the staff
A local authority governor who is nominated by Hampshire County Council.
Two parent governors selected from the school’s pupils’ parents. These may be subject to competitive election when there are more applicants than vacancies.
Seven co-opted governors who are elected by the whole governing body to widen our skills and contacts.
We can also appoint non-voting Associate Members to assist us with their expertise in certain topics.
Who are we?
Each governor is appointed for a term up to four years. We each bring different skills and perspectives from a wide range of backgrounds, interests and involvement in the local community.
Nicki Elks | |
Chair of Governors and Local Authority Governor | |
Date Appointed: 23 March 2021 | |
End Date: 23 March 2025 | |
Responsibilities: Finance & Resources Committee Pay Committee (Chair) Development & Training Safer Recruitment SFVS Financial Control Checks Governor Forum | |
Interests: My involvement in Winnall Primary School as a governor seemed like an obvious choice. I am a retired teacher, I have lived in the area for 40 years and I was the local councillor, so I knew what a great job the school was doing and the benefits it was bringing to the community. I am very proud to have been part of the school as it made improvements and I am committed to supporting the future aspirations of the staff and headteacher of Winnall in “achieving our best together”. |
Paula Ferguson | |
Vice-Chair and Co-opted Governor | |
Date Appointed: 28 April 2020 | |
End Date: 27 April 2024 | |
Responsibilities: Finance & Resources Committee HT Performance Review Committee (Chair) SEND Link | |
Callum Barnes | |
Co-opted Governor | |
Date Appointed: 27 September 2022 | |
End Date: 26 September 2022 | |
Responsibilities: Curriculum Committee (Joint Chair) HT Performance Review Committee Safeguarding Link Safer Recruitment | |
Sam Feltham |
Parent Governor | |
Date Apppointed: 28 September 2021 | |
End Date: 27 September 2025 | |
Responsibilities: Curriculum Committee HT Performance Review Committee Junior Governors | |
Clive Gosling | |
Co-opted Governor | |
Date Appointed: 23 March 2021 | |
End Date: 22 March 2025 | |
Responsibilities: Health & Safety | |
Laure Gournay | |
Parent Governor | |
Date Apppointed: 23 March 2021 | |
End Date: 22 March 2025 | |
Responsibilities: Curriculum Committee (Joint Chair) Early Years Link | |
Andy Keenan | |
Governor | |
Date Apppointed: | |
End Date: | |
| |
Interests: I am Head of Equity, Community Engagement and Outreach at Winchester Science Centre. I am also an ex senior leader at a school and I have a love of the wonder of finding out about something new, or learning how to do something I haven’t done before. I have been involved with visiting the school for a year before becoming a governor and have always been impressed by how welcoming the school has been and how supportive of it’s children. The opportunity to be a part of the together in “achieving our best together” was very exciting for me. |
Vicky Marr | |
Clerk to the Governors | |
Date Apppointed: | |
End Date: | |
| |
Interests: I started working with the Winnall Primary School governors in Spring 2024 and am delighted to join the team. The school itself is lovely and I enjoyed a very warm welcome from the children and teachers on my tour of the school. The board of governors include a diverse range of skills and experience and with new Headteacher, Miss Peckett at the helm, I'm looking forward to supporting the board as well as I can. I myself grew up and live locally to Winchester and have two daughters currently at secondary school. I have worked mainly as a marketing professional in local government, with local, small businesses and charities. I am about to start working towards my clerking accreditation qualification.
Name | Role | Date appointed (first appointed) | End date | Interests |
Chair of Governors and Local Authority Governor | 23.03.2021 (first appointed 24.03.2017) | 23.03.2025 | ||
Callum Barnes | Co-opted Governor | 27.09.2022 | 26.09.2026 | |
Patrick Elliott | Staff Governor | 08.12.2021 | 07.12.2025 | Employee of the school |
Sam Feltham | Parent Governor | 28.09.2021 | 27.09.2025 |
Paula Ferguson | Vice-Chair Co-opted Governor | 28.04.2020 | 27.04.2024 |
Clive Gosling | Co-opted Governor | 23.03.2021 | 22.03.2025 | Employee of Lanterns Nursery School |
Jamie Gough | Co-opted Governor | 11.07.2019 | 10.07.2023 |
Laure Gournay | Parent Governor | 23.03.2021 | 22.03.2025 |
| ||||
Alison Rhodes | Headteacher | n/a | n/a | Employee of the school |
Joanna Robinson | Co-opted Governor
| 28.09.2021(as Associate Member). Co-opted Governor from 12.07.2022 | 27.09.2025 | |
Rosemary Walker | Associate Member* | 12.07.2022 | 11.07.2026 |
*An associate member is not a governor but is appointed to help the governing board fulfil its duties and responsibilities. An associate member does not have voting rights at full governing board meetings.
Governors who have resigned in the last 12 months
Governor Responsibilities
The key responsibilities taken by our governors are set out below.
Responsibility / Position | Governor |
Full Governing Body Chair | Nicki Elks |
Full Governing Body Vice Chair | Paula Ferguson |
Curriculum Committee | Callum Barnes Laure Gornay (Joint Chairs) Sam Feltham Sally Peckett |
Finance & Resources Committee | Joanna Robinson (Chair) Nicki Elks Paula Ferguson Jamie Gough Sally Peckett Rosemary Walker* |
HT Performance Review Committee | Paula Ferguson (Chair) Callum Barnes Sam Feltham |
Pay Committee | Nicki Elks (Chair) Jamie Gough Joanna Robinson |
Development & Training Governor | Nicki Elks |
SEND Link | Paula Ferguson |
Early Years Link | Laure Gournay |
Safeguarding Link | Callum Barnes |
Safer Recruitment | Nicki Elks Callum Barnes Sally Peckett |
Health & Safety | Clive Gosling |
SFVS Financial control checks | Nicki Elks |
Pupil Premium | Jamie Gough |
Junior Governors | Sam Feltham |
Governor Forum | Nicki Elks |
*Associate member with voting rights on the Committee
Register of Governor Interests
The governing body is required to publish a listing of any business interests of the governors relating to the school, details of any other educational establishments they govern and any relationships with members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives.