Winchester Boys College clubs have now finished, Cricket (Chance to Shine) and Coach Jewell's clubs are continuing until the end of term.

Winnall Primary School

Friends of Winnall Primary School (PTA)

Dear Parent or Carer


We hope you're all doing well. We, the Friends of Winnall Primary School, are always working to make school even better for our children. We want to let everyone know what we're up to and where the money we raise goes.

Exciting news! We've put up some posters around school that show what we're working on right now. You can see what the money from our events is used for.

Here are a few things we're helping with:

  • Hoodies for Year 6 kids
  • Making a quiet place in the playground
  • Getting new speakers
  • Helping pay for cool school trips (like the bus to the Anvil for KS2 pantomime)
  • Paying for fun learning shows (like the Punch and Judy shows we had last year)
  • And there's more!

Every time you join in our events or help out in any way, you're making school better for our kids. Every bit of help adds up and makes big things happen.

Please take a look at the posters when you're at school. We'd love to hear what you think. Let's all work together to make our school the best place for our children.

To Winnall kids!


The Friends of Winnall Primary School

Summer Fayre - Friday 12th July

Movie Night - Wednesday 22nd May

Tickets will be on sale at the beginning and end of the school day from Monday 20th May.

EASTER DISCO - Thursday 28th March 2024

Wear What your love - Friday 9th February 2024

We're thrilled to invite your children to participate in our vibrant "Wear What You Love" day on Friday, 9th February, just before half-term! This special day is all about self-expression and joy. We encourage our students to come dressed in something they adore or that represents something dear to them – be it a favourite colour, character, or hobby. It’s a celebration of individuality and the things that make us smile!

Date: 09/02/2024 Dress Code: No uniform! Just wear what you love. Contribution: £1

But that's not all! This event kicks off a series of exciting activities we have planned:

  1. Easter Disco (Date coming soon!): a hopping good time with music, dance, and an Easter bonnet competition.
  2. The Great Winnall Bake Off (01/05/2024): showcasing our baking talents with a community cake sale.
  3. Movie Night (22/05/2024): a cozy evening of films, snacks, and fun.
  4. Summer Fayre (12/07/2024): a festive day filled with games, food, and joy.

These events are not just about having fun; they're also about making a difference. The funds raised will be channeled into three main projects that will significantly enhance our school environment:

  • A new projector and sound system: to enrich our assemblies and school events with better audio-visual quality.
  • A quiet garden in the playground: scheduled to begin this spring, this serene space will offer a peaceful retreat for students.
  • Year 6 hoodies: a special memento for our eldest students as they prepare to move on to new adventures.

We count on your support and enthusiasm to make these events a success. Together, we can create wonderful memories for our children and contribute towards meaningful improvements at our school.

Let’s show our community spirit and make this a fantastic year for Winnall Primary School!

Warm regards,

The Friends of Winnall Primary School

PS: Volunteers are always welcome! If you’d like to lend a hand in any of our upcoming events, please let us know. Your involvement makes a huge difference.

Get ready for festive FREE DRESS and DONATION DAY on December 5th!

Christmas Fayre - Friday 8th December 2023

Halloween disco - Wednesday 18th October

We raised an amazing amount of £427.24!!!! Thank you so much for all your support!  The children had an amazing time as you can see from some of the pictures below.

Who are the Friends and What do they do?


The Friends of Winnall Primary School (FoWPS) are a group of parents who organise all the fundraising events for the school.  This includes the Christmas fayre, the Halloween disco, the Easter disco and the Summer fete.


Previously the FoWPS have provided money towards one school trip per class.  


  • We are always looking for new fundraising ideas
  • We will always welcome new Committee members - please contact the office if you are interested and your details can be passed on to our chairperson
  • We meet roughly once every half term to plan events and keep up to date
  • We also hold an AGM once a year to elect Committee members.
  • Most importantly, every single penny we raise through events is used for the benefit of the children.