Winchester Boys College clubs have now finished, Cricket (Chance to Shine) and Coach Jewell's clubs are continuing until the end of term.

Winnall Primary School

Curriculum Statement

Curriculum Statement

At Winnall Primary School we view the curriculum as the totality of experiences children have during their time with us. Learning is planned around the use of a “Big Question” which encourages the children to think widely about the impact of the things they are learning.


Our curriculum will engage and challenge children, igniting a passion for learning. It is engaging and inclusive and encompasses both home and school. Although based on the national curriculum, the planned “air bricks” allow room to develop children’s interests and explore different subjects in greater detail. Children’s lives will be broadened, giving them opportunity to explore life beyond Winnall Primary School and developing a richer knowledge of the world. It offers children chances to go beyond the classroom door by developing community links.


The core aims and purpose of our curriculum is to inspire our children and open their minds to a wide range of opportunities. Child initiated thought is encouraged, and a critical thinking/ reflective mind-set is developed where children ask questions about life in general. A range of experiences are provided for learning that excite and engage children. Children are encouraged to become independent learners, to feel valued, and to develop aspirations. Our curriculum will prepare children for the next stage in their learning, by ensuring that they have secure building blocks and foundations for learning.


Our curriculum reflects our context by being inclusive of all needs in the school. Home and school links are strongly encouraged and parents are welcomed into the school environment. Support for families is provided where needed through the work of a pupil and parent support worker. Strong community links are developed too in dance, drama and the arts. Children’s lives are enriched through a range of experiences and their needs met by caring and committed staff who see beyond the academic curriculum.


During their time at Winnall Primary School, children will have been encouraged to learn in a variety of ways that will help them to make progress and attain well. They will have experienced a broad curriculum that includes many opportunities and visits beyond the school grounds. The use of the big question encourages children to make links between subjects and bring their own interests into their learning. Children are given opportunities to shine in many ways: they have many opportunities to perform both in and out of school, they take part in a range of external sporting activities and they take part in local and national initiatives, such as the Primary Maths Challenge and the Hat Fair. They are encouraged to socialise and to make friendships with children from a variety of backgrounds and are also encouraged to support others in the local community.


By the time they leave us, our learners will confidently take the next step to secondary school. They will show a passion for learning and have a strong desire to improve. As well as being able to read, write and use functional maths, they will also know how to approach problem solving and will be able to unpick tasks successfully. They will work effectively as a team, managing their role in a group and other’s role and will have learnt to communicate politely and effectively with adults and peers. They will feel accepted for who they are and be accepted by others, and will show resilience and strategies for coping with whatever challenges they may face. Friendships will have been made that may last a lifetime.
